
Emi Nietfeld is the author of Acceptance (Penguin Press ‘22), a memoir of her journey through foster care and homelessness, interrogating the true meanings of resilience, ambition, and success. After graduating from Harvard in 2015, she worked as a software engineer, an experience she wrote about in her viral New York Times essay, “After Working At Google, I’ll Never Let Myself Love a Job Again.”

She’s passionate about mental health, helping young people navigate their careers, and the connection between engineering and creativity. A dynamic, sought-after speaker, she can be found on podcasts, leading conference keynotes, and speaking at universities and companies alike.

Her essays have appeared in The New York Times, New York Magazine, The Atlantic, and other publications, been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, noted in The Best American Essays, and taught in classrooms from high schools to MFA programs.

Emi Nietfeld smiling next to a wall


For media inquiries, including podcasts, radio, and TV:

emi+media [at]

For in-person and virtual speaking engagements:

Alysyn Reinhardt at Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau

For film and TV rights:

Sally Wilcox

For literary and translation rights:

Sarah Burnes at The Gernert Company

For publicity inquiries regarding Acceptance:

Jamie Lescht at Penguin Press

For book club requests, reader mail, and everything else, please fill out the form below:

Classes and Coaching

Emi offers a limited number of coaching slots. She also occasionally teaches classes, like her signature op-ed and personal essay crash course. To be notified of new offerings, please sign up here.