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Brooklyn Night in The Library with Alissa Quart

  • Brooklyn Central Library 10 Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn, NY, 11238 United States (map)

Self-reliance is central to America's mythology. But what if this ideal holds us back—as well as being false, classist, corrosive and even sick-making? Join Alissa Quart, author of Bootstrapped: Liberating Ourselves from the American Dream and executive director of the Economic Hardship Reporting Project, in conversation with Emi Nietfeld, author of Acceptance and a former foster youth turned Harvard grad, as they challenge our country's sanctified virtue of "grit." They will also re-imagine this self-sufficient American Dream, laying out an alternative which centers around mutuality and participation.

Talk Description


Full event schedule

November 14

From College Essay to Published Memoir with Emi Nietfeld

April 24

Book Talk+ with Emi Nietfeld