Featured Essays

Recent Essays
Designer Babies Are Teenagers Now—and Some of Them Need Therapy Because of It
Wired | December 2024
"I kept coming across teens who were in distress about the way they had been created… People don’t always realize they are creating a human being and not a piece of furniture."
The Parents Who ‘Don’t Teach Sharing'
The Cut | December 2024
“In the age of gentle parenting, sharing itself, once the most basic playground skill, is now being called into question. Many believe that asking young children to step away from the slide is developmentally inappropriate, damaging to their mental health, and teaches a dangerous form of people-pleasing.”
Exercise Was the Perfect Coping Mechanism, Until It Wasn’t
New York Times | August 2022
“Hacking at myself was simple self-harm, with no bright side, and so it had been comparatively easy for me to stop. Quitting overexercising was more difficult because it was praised instead of pathologized.”
I Edited Mental Illness out of my college applications. I'm not Alone
New York Times | December 2022
The same crisis that leads to an outpouring of support for a wealthy child might cause a foster youth to be sent to a locked facility, prescribed antipsychotics and forced to change schools.
'Troubled’ is a mystifying book about elite hypocrisy
Washington Post | February 2024
Rob Henderson’s memoir argues that the upper classes support social justice causes to improve their own status at the expense of those below them.
The Queen Esther Theory of Gardening
Georgia Review | Summer 2024
“If they live, they live; If they die, they die!” my mom declared when passers-by admired her extensive hostas. I rolled my eyes. Inside our duplex, narrow paths snaked through piles of teetering detritus. Scraped out peanut butter jars overflowed the clawfoot tub.”
The Problem of the Orphan Plot
The Nation | July 2023
The child welfare system has served as a convenient narrative device for novels, podcasts, and the like. A new book interrogates what we think we know about foster care.
As a poor kid I was ashamed of my mom’s shabby gifts. Now I get it.
Washington Post | December 2023
“As far back as I can remember, Target’s clearance section was my mom’s happy place, especially after a bitter custody battle that left her a single parent, saddled with health problems, debt and an angry adolescent.”
Help! I Wrote to Prudie for Advice and Emi Nietfeld Answered.
Slate asks Emi Nietfeld to weigh in on family jokes, a shocking pregnancy announcement, and listless fantasizing in their ‘Dear Prudence’ column.
My Mom Claims I Had A Drink With My Rapist. I Investigate.
Boulevard | 2019
Noted in The Best American Essays 2021, nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Winner of the Boulevard Emerging Writers Contest.
Self Portrait As a Human Interest Story
Longreads | December 2019
“If you’ve read a newspaper, you know me: I was the high school senior who overcame unbelievable odds to win swell prizes.”
The Problem With Quiet Quitting
Fortune | November 2022
“Most people aren’t hustling to self-actualize. Most of us are hustling to survive.”
There's a good chance you'll regret quitting your job
The Atlantic | March 2023
Intense work can be exhausting and burnout-inducing—and thrilling. Walking away isn’t so easy.
I Couldn't Distill My Trauma Into A College Essay
Teen Vogue | February 2023
“During the time I was applying to colleges, I lay awake nights, terrified no one would believe my story. If I messed up any aspect, I was sure I’d face scrutiny and punishment.”
Infra Dig
The Rumpus | February 2020
“One month after I graduated high school, I was raped. Three weeks later, I was on my hands and knees in Northern England excavating Roman ruins.”
My Teeth Grinding Changed the Shape of My Face
VICE | August 2018
“Botox could potentially treat both my bruxism and the underlying trauma that may have caused it—so I gave it a try.”
VHS Tapes of Death
Georgia Review | Summer 2024
“You have to learn to drive before you lose your nerve,” my mom announced when I was fifteen, fresh home from summer camp. Tuesday night, we sat at McDonald’s, feasting on the ninety-nine-cent Happy Meals special, with free refills, air conditioning, and Olympics without sound on the tvs.”
Selected Press
Appearance on FOX News about “How the SAT Changed My Life” - NYT Opinion
Harvard College Reinstitutes Mandatory Testing - Harvard Magazine
My Job and I: Is This A Love Letter? - The New York Times
Employee Harassment at Google - The Washington Post
Why I’ll Never Love A Job Again - Business Insider
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - BBC News
‘You’re The Problem’ - The New York Times
Stop Protecting Harassers, Alphabet Employees Demand - The Verge
Google Workers Demand Further Action on Workplace Harassment - San Francisco Chronicle
Altering ‘C-Suite Thinking’ - Fortune
Rewriting Our Harvard Admissions Essays - The Crimson
How Much of Your Real Self Have You Revealed on Applications? - The New York Times
UP CLOSE: Pressure to Project Growth - Yale Daily News
For Big Tech Whistleblowers, There’s No Such Thing as 'Moving On' - Protocol
What Matters to Emi Nietfeld - PRINT Magazine
These Two Bay Area Orgs are Investing in the ‘Unparalleled Power of Youth Voice’ - Fast Company
Emi F. Nietfeld ’15 on Success, Struggle, and ‘Acceptance’ - The Crimson
I Have a Simple Solution to the College Essay Problem - Slate
The Way America Treats Teens is Unacceptable: A Conversation with Emi Nietfeld - The Rumpus
The Great Resignation led to big regrets. So should we all be ‘career committing’? - The Guardian
The Last Great Stigma - Aeon